Monday, July 25, 2011


This is a PV of "PONPONPON" by kyarypamyupamyu.
I realli love this video. It's so KAWAII!

today's sketch is Power girl from DC comics!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

the Deep Space Haruka

Hiroki Tanabe, He is my friend of Manga artist. And he debuted in this month.
it's a gift picture to Him.

This Manga title is Haruka na SHin-uchu(the Deep Space Haruka)
I hope that he will success with this Manga project!

rough sketch.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Prepare to next step

I like to draw illustrations by Corel Painter.
but I couldn't use Corel Painter for my works.
I need to learn painter's skills!

so, I accept some requests to sketch for diary from you!
please comment me what you want to me!

*Request Rules*
ONLY American Comic Characters.
(for example, Marvel, DC, Image comics, etc...)
and No Porn!

some sample of sketches by Painter.

Hiyoko from Hiyoko-Bochi

Zachen from Sayulily

Friday, July 15, 2011


oh my gosh!
I didn't update this blog so long! I'm so sorry that.

now I'm working new Manga projects.
One is "Hiyoko-Bocchi". this Manga story is the human girl who works in the fantasy world.
other is "Sayulily" that story is two witches growing-up story.

I draw Hiyoko-Bocchi for a weekly video game magazine that title is "Famitsu".
and I draw Sayulily for a monthly Manga magazine that title is "Monthly comic REX".

you know, I'm very busy to draw these comics everyday.
but I'm really exciting because I love these Manga to draw!

I hope that these Manga will show oversea people someday!

He is Monzow Mino, one of the characters in "Hiyoko-Bocchi".