Friday, July 15, 2011


oh my gosh!
I didn't update this blog so long! I'm so sorry that.

now I'm working new Manga projects.
One is "Hiyoko-Bocchi". this Manga story is the human girl who works in the fantasy world.
other is "Sayulily" that story is two witches growing-up story.

I draw Hiyoko-Bocchi for a weekly video game magazine that title is "Famitsu".
and I draw Sayulily for a monthly Manga magazine that title is "Monthly comic REX".

you know, I'm very busy to draw these comics everyday.
but I'm really exciting because I love these Manga to draw!

I hope that these Manga will show oversea people someday!

He is Monzow Mino, one of the characters in "Hiyoko-Bocchi".

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